First Mistake Lack Of Supply Chain Management Career Clarity

By - Randy
03.06.21 08:48 PM

The first mistake you're making is Lack of Supply Chain Management Career Clarity - You Don't Know What You Really Want

Naturally, every supply chain professional has more than one goal at any given time. There are many different things you want to accomplish in different areas of your career, such as salary, experiences, promotion, professional reputation, and so on.

But if you have too many goals at the time, it's nearly impossible to make significant progress on any one of them. You only have so much time, energy, and resources. They'll get used up quickly, and you won't see much in the way of progress. Next thing you know, it’s 5 years later, and you’re in the same job doing the same thing.

Imagine that you're downloading an app on your smartphone. When you start downloading, you can watch your progress with the progress bar. One app takes maybe two minutes to download, but what if you download five at once? Chances are, you’ll see that progress slow down, and in two minutes, you still won't have even one app downloaded.

To reach a goal, you need to break down your supply chain management career into actionable steps and sub-goals. One goal might break down into five or ten actions steps. What if you have five goals simultaneously? Now you have 25 to 50 things to do. It's easy to see how difficult this would be.

The key for goal setting is not quantity but quality. Rather than trying to tackle everything required to get more opportunities in supply chain management at once and not getting anywhere, choose a specific goal to give your utmost attention.

Choose one goal that will bring you the best results for your supply chain management career in the shortest time. Choose the goal that's most necessary right now, or that you need to reach first before you start on another. Try to pick the one that will make the biggest impact on your career right now.

You need to prioritize and focus. This is how you achieve your goals.

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The purpose of SupplyChainManagement.Jobs is to be the premiere resource for professionals in the supply chain management community. Here you will find employment opportunities from companies seeking to hire supply chain management professionals. Plus, you will have access to resources to make you more competitive for employment opportunities in the supply chain industry. Resources for people will include how to get hired, skills training, freelance opportunities, and executive recruitment for the supply chain management community. You will be part of a community of supply chain management professionals where you can post your professional resume, exchange ideas, discuss issues, and engage in conversations.
