5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Supply Chain Management Jobs Career

By - Randy
03.06.21 08:36 PM


The 5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Supply Chain Management Jobs Career 

You've research supply chain management jobs then downloaded the eBooks, read and absorbed the tips, listened to the experts talk endlessly, and implemented everything you've learned.

You've taken action in your supply chain management career. But nothing seems to be happening, and you think you might have the beginnings of an ulcer.

You're doing all of the things you're "supposed to do," but you're not seeing results, and you're dangling over the cliff of burnout.

There's one simple reason why things aren't going right: 
you're making things too complicated for yourself.

Sure, there are millions of strategies you can employ to let the supply chain industry know about your expertise. How you can offer solutions to their problems.

supply chain management jobs

But that doesn't mean you should show all your cards at one time and employ all the strategies at once because on the internet, each flash of your expertise only lasts about 3 seconds before something else takes its place.

You're overwhelmed with vast amount of information on social media where there is too much information and many shiny objects. 
With so many distractions on the platforms, you're multitasking yourself to death without seeing any results.

Instead, what successful experts, known as thought leaders, do is focus on one thing at a time. 
Once they get results from this single effort, they proceed to the next, having learned exactly what to do to get success.

Here are five reasons your supply chain career strategy may not be working and what you can do to simplify for success:

supply chain career strategy

1. Lack of Clarity - You Don't Know What You Really Want
2. No Strategy - You Don't Know What Will Work
3. Split Personality - You're Suffering from Split-Personality Marketing
4. Broken System - You Don't Know What to Do Next
5. Massive Metrics (or No Metrics) You Don't Know When Something Is Working

RFX Academy shows your how to transform your supply chain management career strategy to be focused, consistent, and measurable.

Click here to learn more about the program: 
The purpose of SupplyChainManagement.Jobs is to be the premiere resource for professionals in the supply chain management community. Here you will find employment opportunities from companies seeking to hire supply chain management professionals. Plus, you will have access to resources to make you more competitive for employment opportunities in the supply chain industry. Resources for people will include how to get hired, skills training, freelance opportunities, and executive recruitment for the supply chain management community. You will be part of a community of supply chain management professionals where you can post your professional resume, exchange ideas, discuss issues, and engage in conversations.
